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Showing posts from July, 2020

Characterization of Water And Water Bodies

How is the characterization of Water bodies done? The characterization is done by classification into three major components: 1. Hydrology 2. Physical-chemistry 3. Biology.  Water quality assessment is based on the appropriate monitoring of the above three components.   Hydrodynamic features The hydrological cycle inter-connects all freshwater bodies from the atmosphere to the sea. The different stages of water ranging from rainwater to marine salt waters make the water constitute a continuum. The inland freshwaters form parts of the hydrological cycle and they appear in the form of rivers, lakes or ground-waters.  These principal types of water bodies are closely interconnected. These forms may influence each other in a direct manner, or through intermediary stages. Each of the three forms has distinctly different hydrodynamic properties. Rivers are primarily characterized by the unidirectional flow of current. This is accompanied with a relatively high...

Determinants of Water Quality

In view of the quality of things deciding water quality, and also the good selection of variables used to describe the standing of water bodies in quantitative terms, it's tough to provide an easy definition of water quality. What is more, our understanding of water quality has evolved over the past century with the growth of water use needs and the ability to measure and interpret water characteristics. QUALITY of the aquatic environment will be outlined as • Set of concentrations, specifications, as well as physical partitions of inorganic or organic substances. • Composition as well as state of aquatic accumulation within the water body. • Description of temporal & spatial variations because of factors internal as well as external to the water body. POLLUTION of the aquatic environment will be outlined as an introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy that lead to such harmful effects as: • harm caused to living resources, • hazards...